Monday, April 2, 2012

Boy this is fun!

So I have to be honest at this point, being an Affiliate for ChaCha has not been all that easy.  Definitely not what I was expecting.  I can feel myself starting to try to give up on this.  I caught myself checking out other work at home opportunities.  One I came across that honestly I might start pursuing is Article Writing and posting them on places like Yahoo and other places that I can find.  Hopefully, I can find some place interesting to place them.  I am not 100% sure as to what I want to write about.  However, that is a whole other discussion.  I am going to stick to ChaCha for now, because I am determined to give it a bit more time.  Maybe another month to see if I can get any sort of profit from it.  So far this month I have made $2.00, granted it is the first day of the month.  And honestly from what they say, if I can make $2.00 per day, that would be $60.00 for the month.  And I could definitely use an extra $60.00 right now for a few posts on Facebook, Twitter, and some Traffic Exchanges.

So what have I changed?  Well, I am currently trying to get onto Pintrest.  I think that is going to take some work, just the same way that Twitter is taking some work.  Facebook has been the easiest even though there has not been a whole lot of clicks, at least I have quite a few more friends on Facebook than on Twitter.  So I had a bit of a base built there.

Lately, I have been trying to work on referrals as well.  Yes you are probably reading through my blog, and you are thinking about signing up for ChaCha's Affiliate Program and then you get to this part and then realize, there was something in it for me.  But trust me, when you sign up for the program you will see why it is crucial to have referrals to maximize your profit.  At 10% commission, even if they do only make $60.00 per month, you are still getting $6.00 per referral there.  And that really adds to your profit.

Please take a look at the program, it is easy and very easy to make some money.  It may not get you rich but if you refer others then it is very likely you could get a pretty decent income.

ChaCha's Affiliate Program

Since I am focusing on referrals right now as well, I have found it to be important that I utilize all of possible free sources of traffic and views.  I have been focusing a lot on AD Blaster options, which is an opt in only program, they do a double opt in to make sure these people are serious about getting your advertisements.  Most of them also provide free credits that you can use to maximize your ads without even taking a penny out of your own pocket.  However, they generally give you a low amount of people to send advertisements to every 2 to 7 days.  And the amount of people are on average between 200 to 500, from what I have found.  But you just set up the ad, with the website that they can visit and they have to click on it to get credit of their own.  So it is seen by anyone that it goes to.  Pretty easy.

Here is a list of a few of those programs:

State of the Art Mailer

The Lead Magnet

Email Hog

Well, I will go through and add some more later when I become more familiar with the other ones.  I really like these and the one on Email Hog seems to be getting a good CTR (Click Through Ratio).  So I guess we will see where that goes.

Thanks for reading, of course I will be posting more later on!
